General Terms and Conditions

* The price specified in the website for all the products is inclusive of relevant Goods & Sales Tax (GST) at rates applicable to the individual categories.

* The term TNC used in the terms and conditions refers to TOUCH N CHILL depending on the product purchased at the website.

* Please ensure that the correspondence address and the telephone address that you have provided during the registration process are valid. It will be impossible for us to contact you if these details are incorrect.

* An email will be sent to you by TNC Web Master confirming the acceptance of your order. TNC reserves the right to reject any order placed in the website without assigning any reasons thereof.

* If the model ordered by you is not in stock or outdated or unfit for sale, we will reject the order placed and all monies paid in relation to your order will be refunded by way of a crossed cheque in favour of the registered member’s name.

* All purchases made through the website are non-exchangeable, non-refundable and non-transferable. TNC reserves the right to reverse the product sale and refund the monies for a sale on a case to case basis.

* The delivery date will be communicated to you by email immediately after the acceptance of the order. This date will depend on availability of stock, delivery vehicle, delivery address etc.

* You may cancel your order at any time prior to your order being processed by contacting the TNC by sending an email to & or by telephoning +91 9677175908 between 10 am and 6 pm Indian Standard Time (IST).

* You may also withdraw from the contract at any time after the product has been dispatched and you have received our email confirming your order but no later than 7 working days after the day after you receive the product by returning the goods to TNC in unopened condition together with the original invoice. TNC will refund you the purchase price of the goods.

* Once TNC receives notification from you that you wish to withdraw from the contract (in accordance with the specified terms), all monies paid in relation to your order will be refunded by way of a crossed cheque in favour of the registered member’s name provided that the goods you wish to return are received by TNC in the condition that they were in when delivered to you. You will bear all transportation charges and incidentals incurred for returning the goods to TNC.

* To change the delivery date please contact +91 9677175908 or send an email to /

* Recipient of the material has to ensure that all the items have been delivered in good condition. In case any breakages / damages are noticed in the delivered material, it has to be brought to the notice of TNC immediately. You have to contact +91 9677175908 to notify this damage.

* The replacement will depend upon the kind of breakage /damage and the process will be initiated by TNC / Manufacturer / Service Centre.

* All air conditioners (AC) will be installed by TNC. The contact numbers will be provided by TNC through an email/Phone.

* Please refer to Support Information provided by TNC for all costs relating to AC installation.

* For all defects noticed in the product after installation please contact & or customer care of the manufacturer. This replacement / repair will be covered by the warranty clause of the product.

* Please preserve hard copy the original bill sent to you along with the delivered items. This is necessary to invoke warranty claims for the products.

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